November, 2006
On the Confederacy and the War Between the States 1861 – 1865 – A Selected Bibliography
Bertil Haggman
The Swedish author Mr. Bertil Haggman has published over 150 books and magazine articles in various languages.
Booklet Swedish Generals and Colonels in Gray 1861 – 1865 (with Lars Gjertveit). Privately printed in 1996. Also as article in the Swedish American Genealogist, Rock Island, IL, Vol. XXI, No.3, September 2001.
"Confederate Guerrilla in the War Between the States – Two Modern European Views" (Research Paper No. 1, Scandinavian Center for Research on Confederate Guerrilla Warfare and Partisan Raiding, 1861 –
1865, SCANCO, 1988).
"War Between the States and the Anglo-Boer Wars – Comparing Guerrilla Strategies" (Research Paper No. 1, SCANCO, 1989).
"William Clarke Quantrill and Missouri Guerrilla Warfare, 1861 – 1865" (Research Paper No. 3, SCANCO, 1990).
"Swedes for the South – Support for the Confederacy in Sweden and the CSA 1861 – 1965" (Research Paper No. 4, SCANCO, 1990).
"Holloywood vs. William Clarke Quantrill – A Few Noes Based on a Western Movie" (Research Paper No. 6, SCANCO, 1992).
"The Palmyra Massacre – Union Pacification of North Missouri?" (Research Paper No. 7, SCANCO, 1992).
"General John Hunt Morgan – Raider or Guerrilla?" (Research Paper No. 8, SCANCO, 1992).
"Colonel John Singleton Mosby – The Gray Ghost of Virginia" (Research Paper No. 9, SCANCO, 1993).
"A Northwestern Confederacy – A Lost Guerrilla War Opportunity?" (Research Paper No. 10, SCANCO, 1993).
"Hunting Yankees" – Brigadier General Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Streight Raid in North
Alabama1863" (Research Paper No. 11, SCANCO, 1993).
"Partisan Rangers and Guerrillas – A Forgotten Confederate Arm of War" – A Lecture at the 2nd European Reunion organized by Europe Camp # 1612 of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans, SCV, in
Aalborg, Denmark, May 14 – 16, 1994 (Research Paper No. 13, several later versions, SCANCO, 1994).
"As glides in sea the shark…’ – Internal War 1861 – 1865 – Confederate Guerrilla, Partisan and Raider Songs and Poetry" (Research Paper No. 14, SCANCO, 1995) also as "Confederate Guerrilla, Partisan
and Raider Songs and Poetry" in Vanguard, newsletter of the SCV North Texas Brigade, June 1997.
"A ‘National War for the Liberation’ of the South in the 1860s ?" (Research Paper No. 15, SCANCO, 1996).
"The Gray Ghost 1861 – 1865" – A SCANCO Newsletter, Vol. I, No 1, May 1995.
"The Gray Ghost 1861 – 1865" – A SCANCO Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 3, September 1995.
"International Celebration of Lincoln County, North Carolina, Greatness, May 28 – 29, 1999"
including a number of appendixes with for instance Bertil Haggman’s speech at the Memorial Service at Saint Luke’s Church, Pumpkin Center, Lincolton, North Carolina, for Confederate Generals Hoke,
Ramseur and in honor of Lt. Colonel Eric Erson of Sweden, all Confederate States Army, on Saturday May 29, 1999.
"There was no one to cry over me… Swedish engineer chose cause as his own" in The Nighthawk’s Call, newsletter for the SCV Brown-Harman Nighthawks # 1573, May & June 1996.
"Partisan Rangers and Guerrillas – A Forgotten Confederate Arm of War?" in Bugle Call, monthly newsletter for the Lieutenant Leonidas Polk Camp 1446, SCV, November 1995.
"The Short, Unhappy Life of a Confederate Ship The C.S.S. Stonewall in Vanguard, newsletter of the SCV North Texas Brigade, November 1997.
"Remembering Tennessee Confederate Guerrilla Leader, Captain Champion Ferguson" in The European Telegraph, journal of the SCV Europe Camp # 1612, Vol. 9, November 2000, No. 4.
"Confederate Guerrillas in California – The Mason-Henry Command" in Vanguard, newsletter of the SCV North Texas Brigade, May 1997.
"Confederate Irregular Warfare" in The Vidette, the official newsletter of the SCV Confederate Secret Service Camp # 1710, Vol. III, No. 12, March 1998.
"Confederate Imports of Whitworth Sharpshooter Rifles from England 1861 – 1865" in Officers Call of Western Virginia, voice of MOSB Hupp-Deyerle-McCausland Chapter of the Military
Order of the Stars & Bars, Vol. 2, No. 12, December 1998.
"Svenska militära insatser I kriget mellan nord- och sydstaterna 1861 – 1865" (review of Professor Alf Åberg’s book Svenskarna under stjärnbaneret, Stockholm 1994), Bladet Kruttönna, Norway, No. 3, 1994.
"VA-marker dedication ceremony, Magruder Cemetery, Highway 61 south of Lebanon Junction, Kentucky, on August 12, 2000" including adress by Bertil Haggman at the ceremony in The European Telegraph,
Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2000.
" Sir Joseph Whitworth’s Rifle" in The Vidette, Vol. IV, No. 9, December 1998.
"The President, the King, and the Virginian" in Compatriot Dispatch News, Fredericksburg, Virginia, newsletter of the SCV Matthew Fontaine Maury Camp # 1722, Vol. 1, No. 10, December 1996.
See also "Partisan Rangers and Guerrillas"!