Rededication  for  Captain Thomas Jefferson Page, C.S.N. (CSS Stonewall) funerary monument 



Major, Thomas Jefferson Page Junior, C.S.A. (Artillery)


Saturday, Sep. 08, 2012, Non-Catholic Cemetery, Rome (Italy)


Invited participants:


Sons of Confederate Veterans,

Daughters of the American Revolution,

Carlist Movement International

Cemetery Advisory Committee


”Swear in ceremony of

Josef “Jup” Griesedieck, May 05, 2012"


I had the pleasure to swear in Josef “Jup” Griesedieck in the SCV Mechanized Cavalry! He is a member in the SCV Europe Camp #1612 since 25th October 2011 and a member of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry since 07th December 2011 but I hadn't the possibility to give him his patch and swear him in.
It was a great day with heavy emotions.


Achim "Archy" Bänsch
(Commander SCV Europe Camp #1612 & Cpl. #542 SCV-MC 3rd Bn, Co D

"The Papal States and the Confederate States,

November 22, 2011"


A revealing book about the Papal States and the Confederate States was presented at CEU San Pablo University in Madrid, Spain. The book was introduced by the author, Raphael Waldburg-Zeil, the Vice-Rector of the University, a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of History and a professor of History of the San Pablo University.
The book includes for the first time the original handwritten letters of the Pius IX-Jefferson Davis correspondence.


SCV Europe Camp marked a leading goal among the academic world of Historians and Churchmen, which saw their interest in the Southern Christian culture increased and the North-South conflict shown in a new light.

10 years  Feast "Interessengemeinschaft Civil War" e.V.




  August, 2010

Dolgesheim (Germany)


Summer Feast Hamptons Legion -Berlin-



Saturday, June 26, 2010, "Forest City", Neuenhagen (Germany)


Invited participants:


Sons of Confederate Veterans Europe Camp #1612

Hampton's Legion -Berlin-

and all interested persons.


Combined Honor Ceremony for


Captain, Thomas Jefferson Page, C.S.N. (CSS Stonewall)


Major, Thomas Jefferson Page Junior, C.S.A. (Artillery)


Saturday, April 24, 2010, Non-Catholic Cemetery, Rome (Italy)


Invited participants:


Sons of Confederate Veterans,

Daughters of the American Revolution,  

Navy League of the United States,  

Carlist Movement International  

Cemetery Advisory Committee

"Admiral Semmes Night,  

March 17, 2010"


Cultural Center of the Spanish Armed Forces, Madrid, Spain 

Presentation of the book:

"Corsario del Sur. RaphaelSemmes y el Viaje del CSS Alabama, 1862-1864",

Raphael Waldburg-Zeil, author. 


Participating organisations:

The Spanish Royal Academy of History, The Daughters of the American Revolution, Spanish Chapter, Navy League of the United States - Madrid Council, SCV Europe Camp #1612.


Combined Honor Ceremony for Colonel


Johann Heinrich Heros von Borcke, C.S.A.

*23.7.1835      +10.5. 1895



Sept. 01 - Sept. 04. 2008

Gizyn / Poland (former Germany) 



Invited participants:


The Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The United Daughters of the Confederacy,

Family Association von Borcke e.V.

Hamptons Legion -Berlin-


Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish."

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906.



Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans in different foreign languages:
